---Alameda County Fair, Pleasanton, California '78 - '81
Introduced 1st sculpture competition in which blind
& sighted artists compete. Disabled sculptors win 1st
& 2nd Award competing with sighted.
---International Conference on Handicapped Art, Oakland, Ca. '81
Guest workshop leader; hosted by Oakland Museum
and Creative Growth Center.
---Sacramento Fair, special exhibit and demonstration, Ca., '77
---Oakland schools and senior centers, Oakland, Ca. 1979 - '81
Demonstrations and exhibits.
---Oakland International Festival, Oakland, Ca. 1978
Special exhibit.
---National Center for Barrier Free Environment, Wash. D.C. 1980
Listed as resource consultant on needs of handicapped (all ages)
regarding set-up of physical environment, art instructional
techniques and exhibits.
---504 Seminar & program "Access to Arts," Museum of Modern Art,
San Francisco, California 1980
Consultant and panel member at meeting of California Arts
Council and National Endowment for the Arts re:
Barrier Free Environment.