G.G.Wasserman, Sculptor
                     First Award in Sculpture at Fairfield Art Show for ceramic sculpture,
                                    "Passion for Life." CA, 1986
                     Third Award in Sculpture at Alameda County Fair for ceramic sculpture,
                                    "Consummation of Faith." CA, 1986
                     Workspace Fellowship Grant at Woodstock School of Art. NY, 1987
                     Third Award for Art at Sheffield Art League's Members Exhibition for
                                      ceramic sculpture, "Visionary" in "recognition of meritorious work."
                                      Walter Bogad of Art League: "The jurors felt your ceramic sculpture
                                      was well modeled, well organized, works in any viewing position
                                      and could be successfully enlarged. Congratulations." MA, 2003
                      Peter Voulkos, internationally recognized artist: G.G. "has done impressive
                                      work and excels in the area of ceramic sculpture." (written
                                      statement, Berkeley, 1983)
                      Ishmael Rodriguez, celebrated master sculptor, stated: "G.G. is one of the
                                      greatest ceramic sculptors in the world." (video interview, 2004)
                      Bert Glick, distinguished CA poet, playwright and actor, states
                      One of the goals of my art is to transform and elevate myself with inspiring
                      concepts and be successful in communicating these concepts to others. Like
                      life, art is a process; art and life are both processes and vehicles which
                      complement each other and which I use to try to discover the truth within
                      myself and the truth of human existence. I call the process of my art a
                      "metaphysical experience" because my art-making tends to lead me to very
                      heightened and transcendent states of awareness in a natural way that come
                      to fruition through the media of shapes, form, space, color, texture, lines,
                      angles, planes, composition, etc. Basically I use the carving, construction and
                      arrangement of form to identify, clarify, and bring order and equilibrium to my
                      inner world and, in so doing, I contribute to the quality and energy of my life
                      and, hopefully, to the planet and universe as well.

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