Bert Glick states, after reading Seeds of Survival, an edition of poetry: "You're amazing. You leave me in the dust -- what an excellent, great poet you are! Your poetry is a treasure trove of nonstop metaphors that improve with time and with a flood tide of love, especially for Ishmael. You have imagination. Your use of lines is unprecedented. The line, 'oblivious corneas hurry by' is brilliant." (Oct. 2019)
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Oblivious corneas hurry by
Past prophylactic empathy
His unknown desire to die --challenged
 by 1st responders
 working the puzzles
 of dire vital signs
Pain negates the arguments refusing aid—
 at the hour of static upheaval
 in a wheelchair dumpster of flesh
 holding the forgotten talents
 of a gentleman artist
 no one can see
 except my inner Angel of Mercy
 working for him “24/7”
 on the graveyard shift.
Angel of Mercy

Downsliding sidewalk dramas
 of a vodka brain
 argues with Death
His street buddy in tent bubble of safety
Sleeping in a found bag of tobacco nerves
The alcohol brother coping
 with a storm surge of urine
And no visits from laundromats
The Park of Civic Center fame
 de facto triage space
A chair crazy glued to whisky tirades
In scabies country
 ready to attack
written by G.G. Wasserman copyright 2019